Stop Setting Your Prices Based on the Competition

Stop Setting Your Prices Based on the Competition

I know… You want your prices to be competitive. 

You may be thinking...
They are a successful business at the top of their game, so if I model what they are doing I’ll be heading in the right direction. Right? 

NOTHING is as rosy and perfect as it looks on the outside.  
Take it from me - there are lots of  “successful” businesses with awesome products, killer sales numbers, and not a penny of profit to show for it. 

Pricing your products based on what the “top” brands in your market are doing puts you on the fast track to financial struggle. 

To achieve long-term, sustainable financial success you need to price your products right for YOUR business. 

Here’s a little story for you…
New clients of mine recently pivoted their business model to offer weekly meal delivery service. 
The changes to their business model were quick - they needed to create menus, price them, build a new webpage and start promoting FAST. 

To set prices they looked at other businesses making the same pivot and mimicked the pricing of the company that everyone respects and admires in their industry….

“We saw their pricing and figured they know what they are doing (they are super successful) let’s match their pricing and we should be good.”

Well, two weeks later that successful company was raising their prices!  
The message that sends is that they DIDN’T have it all figured out. 
They were likely losing money at the low price point they set and needed to make adjustments. 

Now my clients were seeking help to set prices that were right for their business, and stop chasing what others were doing. 
Smart Move! 

The time and money lost over the first few weeks can’t be recovered, but corrections can be made. 

Pricing your products based on the competition, your gut, or an industry-standard is one of the biggest mistakes I see food business owners make. And it costs you a lot of time and money. 

But, don’t feel bad if this is a mistake that you’ve made or are making. 
It’s an easy fix and I’m here to help you get it right. 

Building a financially sustainable and profitable business starts with knowing YOUR Financial Success Formula.  

If you’re eager to learn more…

Visit our products page here




About the Author: Sarah Delevan is a Food Business Financial Coach and Consultant with over 7 years of working in the food industry. She received her MBA from Rollins College and In 2017 she founded Sarah Delevan Consulting based in Los Angeles, CA and serving clients across the United States. She is the creator of the Financial Success Formula and the founder of the Profitable Food Business program and is the host of the Good Food CFO Podcast. To learn more about Sarah and opportunities to grow a more profitable food business Click Here.